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UNM Schools and Colleges

Here is a list of all the possible classes offered in a variety of degree plans offered by the University of New Mexico. 
School of Architecture and Planning: 
Environmental Ethics 
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
​The mission of the architecture program is to investigate critically the architectural systems and social forces that define sustainable built environments both locally and globally, while honoring cultural identities through teaching, research and practice.
College of Fine Arts:
Environmental Ethics 
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Art is not just important to us here at UNM, it’s part of us. We teach it, create it, and embrace it. It shapes our identity and even drives our economy. Whether it’s cast or woven, printed or painted, disruptive, experimental, theoretical or visionary, we have an insatiable love and deep respect for the artist and their practice—and if you do too, we should really talk.
College of Arts and Sciences
Environmental Ethics 
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
The College of Arts and Sciences offers Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees in a variety of subjects that relate to humanity’s cultural, social and scientific achievements. Although the fields of study offered by the departments in the College underlie the more specialized work of graduate and professional schools, most of the degree programs are not designed as vocational ends, but rather as the means for understanding society’s condition, achievements and problems. Students obtaining a degree from Arts and Sciences should have a broad understanding of the world in which they live and should be able to think logically and express themselves clearly. Consequently, the College requires preparation based on the offerings of several departments.
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